Valentine’s Day 2014

This Valentine’s Day has surpassed all of the previous ones.. and guess what- I didn’t have a (boy) valentine. Having a significant other to share the day with is not what Valentine’s Day is about; it’s about showing your friends and family that you care about/love them. 

On Wednesday, Vivian, Ramya and I came up with the idea to make Valentines for our close friends at school. Vivian and I went to two stores and three Starbucks to get the materials we needed. We began crafting the basics that night while Ramya slept off a slight cold. 





After spending 7 hours total (shopping, crafting and taking a dinner break), we decided to go to sleep and finish them the next day with Ramya. Since we had a snow day (YAY), we got together at about 2 p.m. to finish everything. 











Cost of Valentines = $75

Hours spent on them = 14

The look on the TV guy’s face= priceless.

Needless to say, we had a LOT of fun crafting these cute Valentines (shout-out to my mom who gave me the idea for the ones I created!)

Friday morning was spent handing these out to friends and then Hannah and Claire came over so we could begin our fun Valentine’s night.

First, we went to Hollywood Cemetery because they had never been there before (which is weird because I’ve been there and I’m not even from Richmond). It’s such a beautiful place and we had a lot of fun walking around and taking pictures. 

After our little Valentine’s Day Cemetery adventure, we headed off to spend the rest of the evening in Carytown. 

We stopped in a few cute Carytown stores and ended up buying matching anklets, after which we went to CVS where we laughed at the procrastinating boyfriends purchasing last-minute Valentine’s gifts for their girls.

Then we finished the night off with Mary Angela’s pizza and Carytown Cupcakes.



Carytown Cupcakes had a free photo booth so we took silly pictures in it. I think these pictures pretty much sum up our friendship.

I love these girls so much and I’m so glad I came to VCU; I don’t know what I would do without them! (shout-out to Sean for introducing me to Claire, and Claire for introducing me to Hannah!)

So thank you to ALL of my friends for making this Valentine’s Day special.. I love all of you!!!!

Oh and thank you to Kaylee for the best gift ever… a handmade boyfriend pillow hahahah I LOVE IT!! And I wish I could have spent some of the day with you!! ❤

I hate when people say “I’m so sad; I don’t have a Valentine this Valentine’s Day..” and then they mope about it all day long and complain and cry… well, I’m very sorry you’re sad, but guess what. There are people who don’t have mothers on Mother’s Day and fathers on Father’s Day, which in my opinion are a lot worse than not having a Valentine on Valentine’s Day. 

So stop moping about things you don’t have and be thankful for the things that you do have.. because it could be a LOT worse. ❤

One thought on “Valentine’s Day 2014

  1. I LOVE THIS AND YOU! I’m so happy we spent the day together 🙂 Your pictures are so awesome, holy moly you guys made a lot!! xoxox

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